Sample snippets of Jazida performing
Bullet: Performed live with Michael Wheatley to his original song "bullet"
Time for Tea: Recorded at Females on Form in March 2017
Jazida's Classic: The classic act that won her the title of Miss Burlesque ACT
Come to the Circus: The Neo Act that won Jazida the title of Miss Burlesque ACT 2016, the title of Miss Fantastic (for best fan dancing at Miss Burlesque Australia 2016) and Baby Bombshells
Candyland: The unique act that won Jazida the title of Miss Burlesque ACT 2016
Jazida's Mojo: Winning act at Burlesque Idol Canberra (uneditted)
Washer Woman: Act performed at RAW Sensory (uneditted)
Quickchange Christmas - This is the live recording of the debut of this act (please excuse the poor lighting in the video)